Brand New Garaffa Presentation and New Piece,
It is with great pleasure we announce that your local, self-taught Snowmass artist ISABELLA GARAFFA is back with another incredible new work inspired by the amazing Colorado wilderness..
Each of ISABELLA’s works have a story behind them and the creative process for how she tells the story is every-changing. Sometimes there is poetry included.. sometimes she works off of a photograph and other times she works by sheer memory of a moment in nature where she felt closest to the divine..
Please enjoy this stunning photo presentation of ISABELLA’s newest work now in her collection.
And her Thoughts on her Very Latest Creation “Afternoons Glow”…see Below
More than 100 and something leaves and lots of color underplaying, has rendered this beautiful fresh scene of aspen trees with a glowing meadow in the back. Isn’t that what we love so much about aspen trees; their innate capacity to relax even the most troubled of souls! ISABELLA GARAFFA