Christopher Owen Nelson's Rebirth, his COMPASS
Out of the thousands of artists we’ve seen, CHRISTOPHER OWEN NELSON is one of the most innovative. He invites us to notice and appreciate nature like no other… He’s the winner of the Cambridge Art Prize, he’s a master of sculpture and he’s been featured in LandEscape Magazine…
”Sanding and polishing are some of my favorite things to do. During this time of intense mental focus, my heart wanders and searches… It finds years of storms that have torn limbs from the body that almost snapped under pressure, and years when the rain was gentle and nourishing. It finds the longest drought and watches it’s last earthly act of falling, returning to the dust of the earth from which it sprouted. My heart looks down to see the final ring that was formed, marking the last of this earthly body, and decides that it doesn’t have to end here.” - Christopher Owen Nelson
This week, we take a quick dive into one of the many pieces of his available collection.. “Compass” 52x48”.