Poetry In Art - “The Light Above”


Typically the story of art is told through the piece itself…and nothing else.

Today, our brand new artist, ISABELLA GARAFFA graces us with an entirely new level of storytelling…poetry!

The following poem was written by ISABELLA GARAFFA herself to help convey the inspiration behind her work.

Please enjoy…

The piece: “The Light Above” 30x40” - In our collection now

The Light Above 30x40.jpg

The Poem:

Let them trees reflect the glory of the Son. Let them leaves dance in symphony with the wind, as the flesh follows the unpredictable moves of the Spirit.” ISABELLA GARAFFA


Look at it, but not with your eyes. Contemplate such beauty, as you behold the inconmensurable work of the Hands who created this unison.“ ISABELLE GARAFFA


Imperfect perfect design. Such as roar and thunder. The trees are alive. Let the forest come out and shine!” ISABELLA GARAFFA
