Frida Kahlo - REISIG & TAYLOR
REISIG & TAYLOR are known for their incredible display of pop culture through photography and 3D lenticular art..
For decades, the famous artistic duo has captured some of the world’s most iconic musicians, artists, athletes, models and more... including Tupac, Lebron James and more recently, the Suicide Girls.
One particular person REISIG & TAYLOR recently chose to depict in their work is a woman by the name of Frida Kahlo. Frida was a famous artist from Mexico who was born around the same time as the Mexican Revolution in the early 1900’s. Reisig & Taylor’s work titled “Frida Kahlo” is displayed below… And unlike most of their works, this one was actually hand-painted by Leeza Taylor herself… making it an extra special piece to have.
Facts about Frida Kahlo
While we could write a book or direct a movie about this amazing woman (there a few out there), we will highlight a few facts about her and her less than ordinary life..
#1 Frida was born in 1907 but told people she was born in 1910 in order to directly relate her birth with the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.
#2 At a young age, she contracted polio, which resulted in one of her legs being thinner than the other. To cover it up, she almost always wore long skirts. However, that didn’t stop her from participating in sports like boxing and soccer.
#3 Frida was in a near fatal bus accident that led to her needing 35 separate surgeries throughout her life. The accident also took away her ability to have children, which is a frustration conveyed through many of her works.
#4 While immobile in the hospital for nearly three months, Frida dealt with her pain by painting self portraits. This ultimately led to her abandoning her pursuit to become a doctor in order to become an artist.
#5 "Frida Kahlo is ranked among the greatest artists in the genre of self portraiture. She is undoubtedly one of the most famous modern artists and perhaps the most renowned female painter.” Anirudh Rawat 2018
#6 She painted a total of 143 paintings - 55 of which were self portraits that often depicted the psychological and physical pain she felt.
#7 Frida Kahlo was the first 20th century Mexican artist to have her work purchased by an internationally renowned museum. Her piece, “The Frame” was purchased by the Louvre.
#8 She studied under and later married Diego Rivera (Another very famous Mexican artist) whom she later divorced and remarried.
#9 She befriended and sheltered Leon Trotsky while he was seeking political sanctuary from Stalin’s regime. During their time living under the same roof, Trotsky, the Red Army Founder, and Kahlo had an affair, which she commemorated through her work titled “Self-portrait dedicated to Leon Trotsky” (displayed below).
And again, a still of the work of REISIG & TAYLOR that beautifully commemorates the life of this incredible woman and artist..